As a voice for the residents of Pixham the PRA, through its committee, monitors the actions of Mole Valley and Surrey County Councils and presents the views of Pixham residents to the Councils on issues of concern to our village.
See below for current issues
June 2022 - This site is currently owned by Surrey County Council, and managed by Stonegate Homes Ltd. Stonegate are expected to purchase the site in early 2023 and develop the site for residential use. In the meantime they are responsible for maintenance of the site.
A planning application has been made to MVDC to convert part of the existing building to apartments.
In late May 2022 over 30 mature trees were cut down on the site. We believe this was done without proper permissions and following communications with Stonegate are pursuing this with MVDC, Surrey CC and the Forestry Commission.
After the tree felling at the former Aviva site, the PRA Committee commissioned a Tree Report from Arb Consultancy Ltd who examined the tree remains and presented the report to us a week later. The report was paid for by two anonymous donors. The conclusions are given separately for a shorter read.
We were pleased that PRA members at our recent AGM gave unanimous support for our actions, with one abstention.
Please contact if you'd like to know more.
This MV Council plan sets out proposals for development in Mole Valley and includes several suggestions which would have a major impact on our community. The Council has carried out a public consultation exercise to gauge local feeling about the plans.
THE DRAFT FUTURE MOLE VALLEY PLAN: this has been submitted and is in its final stages. the updated draft can be viewed via Future Mole Valley (Local Plan 2020-2037) | Mole Valley District Council
The PRA Committee has responded to the revised plan - a copy of the letter can be downloaded here
Wards in Mole Valley are to be changed which will mean our MV Councillor will probably cover a wider area than currently. We recently heard that we are to merge with Dorking North. the PRA committee opposed this in discussion with the Boundary Commission as we felt ourselves to be a community with different interests and priorities to Dorking North which is an urban constituency. However, this was over-ruled and we will be voting with Dorking North for our next local councillors. Our parliamentary constituency has not changed.