St Mary's Church
St. Mary’s Church Pixham
St. Mary’s Church (C.of E.) is on Pixham Lane at the turning to Leslie Road. It is a lovely building designed by one of Britain’s most celebrated architects (Sir Edwin Lutyens) and has a regular congregation who are very welcoming to visitors and enquirers. It is a daughter Church of St. Martin’s Church Dorking.
The normal monthly pattern of services is:-
The normal monthly pattern of services is usually:
First Sunday, Holy Communion at 10.30 am.
Second Sunday, Morning Prayer at 10.30 am.
Third Sunday, Pixham Praise at 10.30 am. Followed by a short service of Holy Communion.
Forth Sunday, Songs of Praise at 10.30 am.
Fifth Sunday, Informal Family Praise service at 10.30am.
Please check the St. Martin’s Dorking Website for the latest information for Services at St. Mary’s Pixham.
This may involve joining with eg. St. Martin’s Dorking on some Sundays.
Services on the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays are particularly family-friendly, but there are activities for children available every Sunday under the guidance of a qualified teacher.
Activities at the Church.
1. Regular creative craft based activities for children, as part of family worship on Sundays.
2. On some Bank Holiday Mondays, the meeting room is open for refreshments, teas & tasty homemade produce.
3. On a Saturday or Sunday in September, The Church is open for Heritage Open Day with refreshments.
4. On a Saturday usually in late November, The Church is open for our Christmas Fair.
5. On a Wednesday evening in December, the Carols by Candlelight Service often attracts many people.
1. For Hire of the Church & or meeting room by groups or for functions during weekdays and Saturdays please contact Anne Brown: tel. 01306 884424 - email. annebrown49@hotmail.com
2. To check service times particularly at times of major festivals and holidays. Please check the website: www.stmartinsdorking.org/news/
and click through to find the weekly Parish News and the weekly news sheet download button. It has St. Mary’s details.
For St. Mary’s enquires please contact Rev. Dave and Mrs Mary Cowan on 01306 885341.
For more general enquiries please contact St Martin’s Church Office, 01306-884229